
HaMakom, the Jewish Meditation and Well-Being network, has online meditation, chanting and learning weekday evenings. Sign up for updates at

SAVE THE DATES!!!  (Evening of Saturday 5th December - Evening of Monday 7th December)

"Transforming Darkness into [De]Light" - HaMakom's Winter Online Jewish Mindfulness Meditation retreat led by
Rabbi Sheila Weinberg and HaMakom faculty members Rabbi Danny Newman, Rabbi Lisa Barrett, Bev Cohen, Mika Hadar, Gidon Fineman & Roland Brandman.

The retreat will include daily chanting as well as opportunities for dialogic work and a beautiful sense of community and connection, even though we are physically apart. There will also be opportunities for group meditation, meetings with the teachers and communal question and answer sessions.
You can join this retreat in multiple ways!

  • Come for the full experience, joining us for an immersion into silence and deep seamless practice.
  • Join us for the evening practice and teachings sessions where we will explore the retreat's theme through teachings and practices.
  • Weave the different aspects of retreat into your life, dropping into silence and shared practice and then returning to your engagement with other aspects of your life as appropriate.

Registration will open shortly.